Importance of location in real estate!

Any proper real estate agent will tell you this. The first and most important thing about real estate is location. It is the single most important factor to consider when looking for a new apartment. And the reasons are pretty clear.

These are the most common factors that need to be taken into consideration as the wrong location could result in low living conditions, poor standard of living and low resale value.

  1. Schools

Before moving into an 3 Bedroom Apartment for Sale, you ought to look at the schools in and around the area. Are there government schools? International Schools? Good nurseries? Tuition classes? Is the area family – oriented and are there parks for your kids to play in, along with similar- aged children? Remember, even if you don’t have any kids, owning a home in a good neighbourhood with healthy families is good for you in the longer run.

  • Crime rates

Crime rates tend to be significantly high in certain towns. Some of these towns might seem very peaceful during the day but could tend to get active during the nights. It is good to find out about the local crime rate from other residents who had lived in the area and figure out if burglaries, thefts and drug dealing is imminent in the area where your home is.

  • Amenities and transportation options

Location is also very important as having close access to fuel stations, bus stations, railway stations, restaurants, shopping mails, supermarkets and grocery stores is of paramount importance.Ideally, these locations should be within walking distance.

  • The Price

How is your local real estate market doing? If the demand is up and supply is tight, you can expect to pay more for a house. On one hand it’s good that you’re purchasing a home in a desirable place, but on the other, you’ll likely have to pay up. So look at the location and consider the market rates before going any further.

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