Property Brokering


Planning on purchasing an apartment? Or maybe, you simply wish to sell your apartment? Either way, as your dedicated property broker, we have a few obligations towards you and these services go way beyond just finding, filling and selling space.

ELEGANT REAL ESTATE brings guaranteed value to every deal using its extensive brokerage relationships and network, coupled with its trailblazing marketing tools, be it buying or selling of apartments, or tenancy services.

Our premium service list includes:

– Multiple Listing of properties for sale and rent using our state-of- the- art marketing platforms
– Advertising the properties on social media and other venues to attract as many potential buyers and tenants as possible.
– Advising the property seller or landlords in preparing the properties for the listing and inspections
– Sharing the listings with other real estate professional partners to get potential buyers and tenants to the property.
– Supervising the inspection and time arrangements between buyer, seller, landlord and tenant.
– Offer submission to seller and landlord
– Aiding all parties with offer negotiation
– Assisting with necessary paperwork

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