With over 150 apartments successfully rented out to happy tenants in a short span of 2 years,
Elegant Real Estate is The agency to consult for all your rental needs.
All you need to do is let us know what you expect, and we will able to present you with a multitude of options to choose from.
You can also browse through our latest rental property listings to find your right fit.

Our premium service list to Tenants include

Extensive Portfolio of Options 
Imagine the hassle of contacting several different brokers to find 1 property to rent. Sounds like a headache, already? With Elegant Real Estate, you are looking at just one entity that will expose you to 100’s of options to check out.

We help you negotiate
Some landlords tend to be stubborn with their rental expectations. We help convince them to give you the best possible rental rates and negotiate the Advance Payments and Key Money Requirements on behalf of you.

Unlike most Real Estate Agents out there,we look into the lease agreements and ensure that the clauses are set in a way that your rights as a tenant are equally protected as the rights of the landlords. If we sniff out of any discrepancy, we will help you avoid any trouble.

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